by on November 10, 2020

Did you know that twerking Will Boosts your sex life. 


Twerking strengthens muscles in just about every part of your body! Not only do you sculpt, tone and grow your badonkadonk, your thighs become super strong, your hip flexibility increases and more than anything, boosts your confidence ! You can burn up to 500 calories in 60 minutes of twerk.  #Confidenceiscontagious  Not only will twerking increase your confidence but overall your daily Lifestyle improves. Also when you twerk , it improves the body structure, this can boost your self confidence and make your body curves more obvious. Also, when ladies twerk for their partners, it serves as a means of bonding and increases your confidence level with them. #Tonesyourlegs&booty #Stressreliever #TwerkingisFUN it improves balance, flexibility, and coordination. DID I MENTION it will #Boostsyoursexlife Twerking can serve as a foreplay which improves the sex life between couple. Twerking for your partner is as equally arousing for the giver as it is for the receiver. According to research, couple experience the same feelings during a private twerking show. #Mentaldevelopment to workout for the brain and has even been shown to reduce the risk of dementia. #420NURSESTWERKTuesdaze #FREE #TWERKSHOP on #ZOOM #LADIES18+ #JOINUS #FUNMemories #BuildConfidence 

Topics: twerking, twerk
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all Facts! since i have started twerking i have hit a new weightloss goal !And the best part is i am not afarid to dance infront of my man anymore!
Like November 10, 2020
Oh def it is a workout
Like November 10, 2020